Outsourcing with 360 Corp Wellness will give your company the ability to fully hand over every aspect of your corporate wellness program your organization needs to cut the rising cost of employee turnover, while not burdening your existing HR.
Our Wellness program is built on the foundation of supporting:
And we have programs you can layer into your plan to address:
You can also select company wide events to rally participation and build a competitive team spirit and unit on site and remote employees.
As mental wellness gains more attention in the world and CEO's are realizing the impact it has on the fiscal health of the organization. HR and People Managers are tasked with the responsibility of organizing and implementing corporate wellness initiatives. Your company depends on these professionals to maintain the heartbeat of the full life cycle and every need of the entire employee headcount, however most do not have the training or experience to create or implement a wellness program that will provide the support and awareness that your company needs Adding on the responsibility of designing and managing an on going wellness program is an added stress and quite frankly HR does not have the time or bandwidth to add on another responsibility to their plates.
Ireland Works has over 20 years experience in HR People Management Training in a wide spectrum of categories ranging from retail, industrial and factory settings to executive and professional. And organizations of all sizes
Too many new managers either inherit the role and are forced to take on the responsibilities of the role without proper people management onboarding.
This contributes to a dangerously high employee turnover. The manager who feels overwhelmed with the pressure of people management makes errors that could lead to lawsuits, litigations and high fines. Then those managers generally seek employment elsewhere and leave the company. If they stay in the role, the employees under their management become frustrated and disgruntled by poor management. This is a domino effect. All of these employees and managers are then subjected to a high stress environment triggering even bigger issues.
Health and Safety are a very important part of employee onboarding. But having to conduct consistent and accurate training in a timely manner is usually a task that gets postponed or skimmed over.. This creates a huge liability that ends up having a domino effect.
Your organization and particular industry has very specific requirements. We will film a direct address style series of video modules of each topic and category with your organizations branding and specifics. You will be able to easily remain compliant and onboard your team members without risking missing any important details of the required training. And ensure each new team member is supplied with the health and safety knowledge they will need while on the job.
It's a precise, hands-free health and safety training option that not only pays for itself but keeps your organization streamlined and running smooth.
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